Best New Rock – Von Veh, Pure Hex, Halloween, TALEEN KALI

Von Veh grabbed our attention with their new single Radical Design.  The revolving vamp is energizing and hypnotic.  The primary compositional variation comes in the form of the vocal and the end of the songs eventual melodic pivot. In feeling though, the variation comes in how the band alters their intensity throughout the performance. Everything responds in tandem to the songs built in drama. 

For us that’s a big part of why we love this work, they create a building tension within the same note.  That and the singers convincing scorn.  Her voice is untamed and unfiltered.  There’s a refreshing wild to her style.  In that way we might compare it to how Bjork would sound with the Kills.  Sounds interesting?  It is. 

Hear Radical Design now on our All New Rock Playlist.  

Pure Hex – Web & Wick

We love the contrast and illuminated aura Pure Hex bring on their new single Web and Wick.  Indie Rock with a shoegaze heart, Web and Wick is double dipped in vibe while displaying a classic sensibility. 

Stylistically it recalls the work of Neil Young and more recently My Morning Jacket.  Pure Hex updated that sensibility new and add some additional dark reverence, one that suggests an inspiration of melodic metal.  We can even hear an influence of Led Zeppelin. We can dig it. 

Hear Web and Wick now on our All New Rock Playlist.   

Halloween – Fate and Despair

We dig the dark noisy gothic shoegaze coming from the band Halloween.  Their new single Fate and Despair is stylistically lush.  There’s a spectrum of nostalgia that scans the underbelly of 80s underground movements.  That spectrum being a bi-product of post punk and the aforementioned gothic and shoegaze styles. 

Halloween adds a rich dose of psychedelia, an exciting alteration within this dark rock aesthetic.  Stylistically they bridge the gap between Nothing and Bauhaus.  Thats a wide scope to range, but they fit the designation.  

Hear Fate and Despair now on our All New Rock Playlist.  

Taleen Kali – Ava Adore

We love how TALEEN KALI adapted Ava Adore, the contentious single from Smashing Pumpkins.  The new version is a nice reminder that it’s an absolutely awesome top vocal line, one that has an immediate addictive catchy appeal.  That detail was distracted by the original versions slightly industrial electro inspired design.  The TALEEN KALI update is more rock specific, a feature we dig more than the original. 

Hear the Taleen Kali version now on our All New Rock Playlist.  

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