Best New Rock – SUB*T, The Madelines, +/- {Plus/Minus}, Kris Lefcoe

Oh that beautiful distorted brilliance.  It’s the first detail that drew us into That Kind Of Night, the new single from SUB*T.  At its core its a catchy song full of elegant contrast courtesy of the disaffected vocal over this kind of energetic band performance. 

As for the sonic presence, the guitar tone is simply perfect.  The tone is rich with incredible character, especially considering its distorted treatment. 

The guitar rumbles and purrs with emotion.  Turn it up and let it engulf you.  Stylistically the band resonates with a shoegaze and grunge legacy.  A sure thing for fans of Bully, Momma, and more classically Veruca Salt. 

Hear That Kind Of Night now on our All New Rock Playlist

The Madelines

The Madelines thrust an influence of The Strokes into the modern age on their impressive new single Take Your Medicine.  They add some post punk flavor familiar to underrated turn of the century trailblazers Interpol.  They adapt that influence with a fresh youthful grit that resonates with the national indie basement scene. 

The Madelines wear their influences while honoring their legacies with a calculated performance.  It’s a masterful work and a fitting introduction to pull you in. 

Hear Take Your Medicine now on our Best New Rock Playlist.  

+/- {Plus/Minus}  – Calling Off The Rescue

Already entwined in symbolism, the appropriately named +/- {Plus/Minus} advance their reputation on the effective new single Calling Off The Rescue.  Immediately infectious with dynamic progressive swings that add to the dramatic appeal, Calling Off The Rescue resonates like a fresh beginning. 

It has a Eureka quality to it, as if the band had been laboring over some complicated ideas before stumbling into this bliss.  It’s a reflection of the performances natural candid feel despite its intelligent design.  They captured that vibe effectively in the music video (see above). Stylistically we think it’s a sure thing for fans of The Shins and Real Estate wanting to hear a more upbeat energetic version of that sound.  

Hear Calling Off The Rescue now on our Best New Rock Playlist.  

Kris Lefcoe recently released her own version of Dirt, the iconic track from punk pioneers The Stooges.  The original version resides somewhere between Sabbath and Cream.  It has a brooding churning quality as opposed to some of the Stooges more explosive work.  Lefcoe honors that swagger and adds her own signature touch and sonic spirit. 

Her performance is full of intriguing contrast.  There’s a sultry seductive element to her whispery affect, while retaining a temperament of mischief.  To put it frankly, it’s dirty.  Just how we like it.  

Dig Dirt now on our Best New Rock Playlist.  

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